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The Father of Accounting:
Luca Pacioli (1445 - 1517) “Pacioli...published a revolutionary book in 1494, Summa de Arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et Proportionalita ... Goethe said that this was ‘one of the finest discoveries of the human intellect.’ An economist and sociologist, Werner Sombart, said, ‘...bookkeeping is born with the same spirit as the system of Galileo and Newton.’ Pacioli’s
work was dedicated to the glory of God. ...He wrote in the
Summa that people should begin all their economic
transactions ‘in the name of God.’ The
methodology he developed changed the future of
business forever and led to the development of spread
sheets. His ingenious accounting equation of ‘Assets =
Liabilities + Owner’s Equity’ is used worldwide today. This
humble servant of Jesus Christ has provided the world a
vital tool for business — to the greater glory of God.”
Kennedy, D. James, and Newcombe, Jerry. What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1994, pg 111. |
Oral Roberts University